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The future of preventive health care.

We develop health programmes for professional groups. And we start where the need is greatest: in care.

Pflegeperson kümmert sich liebevoll um einen Patienten. KI-unterstützte Bewegungsanalyse hilft der Pflegekraft, gesund zu bleiben.
Screenshot des Startbildschirms der LifeBonus-Pflege Pro App

LifeBonus is the market leader in the field of occupation-specific health promotion for caregivers. We serve thousands of professional caregivers across Germany. We support caring relatives with the »ich pflege« app. And we bundle today's health expertise with tomorrow's digital possibilities.

The care industry.
Some alarming facts.

56% aller Pflegenden leiden unter einem reduzierten Gesundheitszustand.


of all caregivers suffer from a reduced state of health.

Abstandshalter von LifeBonus
24% aller Alten- und Krankenpfleger:innen verlassen innerhalb der ersten 5 Jahre ihren Beruf.


of all geriatric caregivers and nurses leave their profession within the first 5 years.

Abstandshalter von LifeBonus
12 mehr Fehltage in der Pflege im Vergleich zu anderen Berufsgruppen.


more days of absence in caregiving compared to other occupational groups.

Abstandshalter von LifeBonus
Über 500.000 Vollzeitpflegekräfte werden bereits 2030 fehlen.


full-time caregivers will be lacking by 2030 in Germany alone.

Source: BmFSFJ (2020) - Caregiver employees need support, TK- special report care 2021.

While the number of people in need of care continues to rise, the number of professional caregivers continues to decline. In no other sector is the sickness rate so high and so many people leave their jobs due to health reasons as in the care sector. If we want to maintain the health of caregivers, we have to start where they spend most of their lives and where the health damage occurs: on the job.

In Germany alone, there are more than
5 million caregivers who look after their relatives "on the side", are not trained and as a result often suffer physical or mental illnesses themselves. 8 out of 10 people who need care are cared for by their relatives. These people also urgently need support so that our health system does not collapse.

LifeBonus Care Pro.
For professional caregivers.

With the »LifeBonus Care Pro« app for caregivers and care workers, we have developed the world's first health app to improve physical and mental well-being specifically for care professionals. The app is used by thousands of carers throughout Germany.

Männlicher Pfleger mobilisiert Patienten an die Bettkante
Screenshots der LifeBonus Pflege Pro-App
Pflegender Angehörige herzt seine Mutter

The »ich pflege« App.
For caring relatives.

The »ich pflege« app helps caregivers to better manage their daily care routine and to stay healthy themselves. Simply helpful and optimised for smartphone and tablet.


LifeBonus HealthCoaches.
For facilities.

Our LifeBonus trainers are deployed in over 50 clinics and care facilities and train caregivers to become HealthCoaches. This gives us first-hand knowledge of the challenges of everyday care and allows us to incorporate this experience into the expansion of our digital products.

Ein Trainer von LifeBonus bildet Pflegekräfte zum HealthCoach aus
Das Team von LifeBonus

About us.
What makes us special.

We are an interdisciplinary team of over 100 health, care and IT experts with a common goal: to solve the care crisis sustainably and cost-effectively.

LifeBonus Herz-Logo

The health of care is close to our hearts.

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