The following contraindications apply to the movement section of the app, in the presence of one of the ailments listed below, participation is not possible or only possible after healing.
Please first confirm that none of the listed complaints are present.
Other limitations
Existing incapacity for work or confirmed reduction in performance with 5Kg certificate
After injuries and operations (participation only possible after consultation with the attending physician)
Acute phases of chronic diseases
Acute infectious diseases associated with fever (participation is possible again 2 weeks after complete recovery)
Taking antibiotics (participation is possible again 2 weeks after the end of the intake)
Cardiovascular complaints
Severe cardiovascular disease and uncontrollable cardiac arrhythmias or unexplained discomfort (e.g., chest tightness, at rest and on exertion)
Severe pulmonary disease with shortness of breath and reduced exercise capacity
High blood pressure (from 160/98)
After a heart attack or stroke (participation only possible after consultation with the attending physician)
Musculoskeletal complaints
Advanced osteoarthritis of the knee and hip joints
Unexplained severe pain or acute diseases of the musculoskeletal system
After a herniated disc (participation only possible after consultation with the treating physician)
Neurological complaints
Epilepsy (participation only possible after consultation with the attending physician)
Psychological complaints
Acute mental illnesses and those requiring treatment
Severe depression
Severe anxiety disorder with panic attacks or hypochondriacal disorder
Acute trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder
Active use of psychotropic substances (these include: Drug use, use of strong sleeping pills or tranquilizers, use of psychotropic drugs).